Mario Previsic
Director Communications & Marketing
Kineo Finance, Basel
Before joining Kineo, Mario worked at the Straumann Group, where he played a key role in protecting and enhancing the company's corporate reputation. He managed external communications globally, leading the financial communications such as quarterly reporting and the development of the Annual Report. Prior to his role at Straumann Group, he supported the media relations team and developed the Half- and Annual Report at Swiss Re. Mario also spent five years at Basilea Pharmaceutica, managing media relations, social media and leading the company's re-branding project. During his post graduate studies, he supported the First Minister of Scotland in various communications matters while working for the Scottish Government as part of an academic placement.
Mario holds a Master of Science in Strategic Communications & Public Relations from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, UK, and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Sciences from the University of Zagreb, Croatia.